Wonderful Wednesday Roll Call

on 3/13/12 10:08 pm - Boothwyn, PA
Good morning everyone - I say wonderful because this weather is just making me happy today! For all you allergy sufferers I know it's not the greatest thing to have an early spring, but honestly it is lifting my spirits considerably.

At work for me today - not sure what's on my agenda. Len got his retirement package from work yesterday so I have to go through that and we need to make some decisions on survivor benefits - this is key for us since Len is 19 years older than me, so I have to really read through everything and figure it out - it's all so confusing.

Not much else new here - packing, packing, packing!!

Have a wonderful day!


'One shoe can change your life'...Cinderella
on 3/13/12 10:53 pm - Philadelphia, PA
 Good morning Kathy....It IS a gorgeous day.  I put away my tights and have on sandals!  My toes are quite happy!  

Today is going to be a VERY fun day!!!  First of all. HAPPY PI DAY!!!!!! 
.   For those that do not know - it is 3/14 - Pi is the value of 3.14.  Geddit?!?! :)  Also, today is my son's, GULP,  17th birthday!!!!  Not sure how the hell that happened.  It is crazy!!!!!!  

I woke up in a fabulous mood!  I did my week 5, day 2 of C25k yesterday.  It was hard, - a 5 minute warm up, an 8 minute run, a 5 minute brisk walk, ANOTHER 8 minute run followed by a 5 miute cool down....WHEW!  I felt pretty good after the run.  I am ot sure if I am running tomorrow or Friday, but the next day is a 5 mintue walk, THEN A 20 MINUTE run....OH! DEAR! GOD!  I just have to change my Pandora - right now it is soft rock music - not the stuff I need to get motivated....I need things from Van Halen, Aerosmith, etc.....

Anyway - today I am at school administering the "Effing PSSA's" as I so lovingly named them....I am leaving school early today, I am catching up with a friend and then heading home to hang with the kids and take the birthday boy to Verizon to get his iPhone....Yes - I know...I am a sucker!  Then he needs new sneakers for the Volleyball team.  So I guess there will be that - then he wants to wait for Larry to have dinner, so we will be ordering in about 8ish.....I do love that kid - even though he makes me feel and LOOK old! :)

Happy Pi Day - and Happy Wednesday all! :)

on 3/13/12 10:58 pm - Boothwyn, PA
I'm going Saturday for a mani/pedi - wouldn't dare bare my tootsies until then!! All winter being stuck in sneakers and it's just not pretty - well, not that they're ever pretty, but polish does help!

I love the new work-out settings that Pandora has! Aren't they the best? I love Classic Rock for getting motivated and moving - love the yoga station for cooling down. Listening to 80's music on my PC now. And the fact that it's free is just icing on the cake!

And Happy Pi day to you, too, Miss Math Girl!

'One shoe can change your life'...Cinderella
on 3/13/12 10:58 pm
GM Kathy and PA!!

The weather is SO nice! Too nice to be working, but I owe, I owe so I am at work ya know!?!?

I was SO tired last night, after my therapy appointment, I came home, sat on the recliner, ate a bit of dinner, then fell asleep....woke up about an hour or so later and went straight to bed! Slept pretty well, but still not completely rested. I am thinking I am going to need to go back on my CPAP machine, which I haven't been on in about a year, but I need to get more restful sleep which I have not been. I called the company that I got my supplies from and they will be sending them out to me. Poor hubby will have to get earplugs so the sound of the machine doesn't keep him awake!

Today is wor****il 3:30, then rushing out of work to get the girls and take them to Hebrew School. Then I need to do a few errands, home to figure out dinner, try and do some laundry( yeah right!), relax and enjoy some family time!

Hope you all have a fantastic day!

Love, Beth

Lisa H.
on 3/14/12 2:08 am - Whitehall, PA
 afternoon everyone... spent the morning reading posts and working Aetna.  

Just got back from the vet with Skecher.  It was just a well check and other than being a little overweight, he is fine.  Now to figure out how to cut back on the food without depriving Jasper.  

In the meantime, I am sitting here eating lunch and part of my tooth breaks off... um, excuse me, I was JUST at the dentist on Monday and TOLD them that the tooth hurt.  They took an xray and found nothing wrong.. I think something is wrong.. the front half of the tooth came off.. thank goodness it's a molar so you can't really see it..but HELLOOOOOOOO.. guess who's going back in the morning.  

So the rest of the day, I will try not to breathe in too much cold air because it is sensitive.  I have to work at Dress Barn tonight, so again thankful it's not a tooth that can be seen.  

Other than that, SUCCESS at the gym last night.  After I FORCED Siehara to go with me to the Aqua Fit class, she LIKED IT!! AND, she's willing to go back next week!! YAY!!! Small success and I'll take it!

My tracker


Patricia R.
on 3/14/12 2:43 am - Perry, MI
 I am late posting because I have been up and running since 8:00.  Made my AA meeting, and then went to the grocery store for supplies.  Came home, made a phone call, and put some dinner on to simmer.  I am having my corned beef and cabbage early this year.  I was invited to a friend's for St. Patty's day.

The rest of the day will see me finishing putting dinner in the crockpot, and braving the bicycle again.  My butt is killing me, and I know that I need more exercise.  I am loving this nice weather.

Blessings and prayers for everyone who needs them.

Seek always to do some good, somewhere. Every man has to seek in his own way to realize his true worth. You must give some time to your fellow man. For remember, you don't live in a world all your own. Your brothers are here too.
Albert Schweitzer

IdaMae D.
on 3/14/12 8:04 am - Philadelphia, PA
Good Evening Kathy & PA:

Was running late this morning so no siging into the computer prior to work....

Very long and tiring day at work.  So many fires not enough time in the day.

I have my thesis presentation date and time:  April 12th at 7pm.  Now that I have a firm completion date no more procastinating, I have to complete this and have it ready for presentation.

I pick up my cap & gown on Saturday...



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